Pronouns are words used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. Nouns can be people, animals, or inanimate things. You use several types of pronouns in your writing, as described below. Unfortunately, most people have a hard time picking the right pronouns and finding mistakes in written papers. A pronoun checker can help perfect your pronoun usage.
Using the Pronoun Fixer for Different Types of Pronouns
Proofreading a Passage for Personal Pronoun Use
It is easy to confuse different personal pronouns when writing; pick the wrong gender or single pronoun instead of a plural one. Always check the genders of your antecedents before determining the pronoun to pick. Also, check to find out if you are writing about an individual or in plural. I, me, you, it, he, and she are singular pronouns.

On the other hand, we, us, you, and them are plural ones. In the first person, you use it if you are the subject and me if you are the object. For example, “I saw the cat.” “I” is the subject and “The cat saw me.” Me is the subject. You can be used either as a singular or plural verb. You may use a first and second person pronoun finder to correct personal pronouns in both persons while the third person checker checks singular and plural pronouns in the third person. The personal pronouns finder is easy to use and fast.
Possessive Pronoun Check Online
Possessive pronouns are personal pronouns that show possession or ownership. They can be in singular forms such as my, his, or hers or plural forms such as ours, theirs, and yours. You can use them before or after the object. For example, “This car is mine.” or “This is my car.” You can also find the possessive pronoun in a sentence, which is independent and not followed by any noun. For example, “No, it is theirs.” Independent possessive nouns make a correct sentence without revealing the object. When proofreading your work, consider using a possesive pronoun finder to find and fix errors with pronouns of possession. The possesive pronoun modifier works with the personal pronoun detector to ensure agreement between personal and possessive pronouns.
Indefinite Pronoun Grammar Check
Indefinite pronouns refer to things and people just like personal pronouns. However, they differ in that they do not have a specific person or thing to reference. Popular ones include some, few, nobody, anything, all, everyone and all, among others. All indefinite pronouns that end with –one and –body are always singular. On the other hand, others, few, both, several, and many are always plural. Here are a few examples, “Has anyone seen James since morning.” “Everybody that turned for the event was rewarded.” These pronouns are generally used in generalizations and making broad assertions. When you need help with indefinite pronouns, our pronoun fixer can find and fix these errors for you. It detects wrong usage, mistakes in pronoun-antecedent agreement, and improper use of singular or plural pronouns.
Relative Pronouns Help Online
Relative pronouns are referent pronouns that start a clause. They include which, that, and who. Relative pronouns can also serve other types of pronouns depending on your sentence. Here are a few examples, “This is the car that broke down yesterday.” In this case, the starts a clause ‘that broke down yesterday’ and describes the car in the first clause. Another example, “Who took my pen?” In this sentence, who refers to the person that took my pen. In this case, it is used as a personal pronoun. Some of the most confused relative pronouns are whom and who. Who replaces personal pronouns while whom replaces an object of a preposition or a verb. The former replaces he or she while the latter replaces him or her. If you have a problem using the right pronoun, you can get relative pronouns help from our tool.
Intensive Pronoun Checker
Intensive pronouns are used to intensify or emphasize pronouns or nouns. They are generally placed right after the noun that they intensify. Another unique thing is that they end in –self or –selves. Here are some examples, himself, ourselves, yourselves, and itself. Here is an example of their usage in a sentence, “I myself love mutton.” You have to be meticulous in choosing sentences to emphasize so that it does not sound like filler content. If you have problems determining the right intensive pronouns to use in your sentences, you can use our intensive pronoun checker online to find and fix related errors. Remember, intensive pronouns add variety and change the tone of your article. Learn how to use it regularly to enhance your writing. This tool offers you the information.
Demonstrative Pronouns Revision
Demonstrative pronouns point out something or a person. They indicate space, time, or distance in relation to the writer. These pronouns can be either plural or singular. There are five such pronouns, these, those, such, this, that. For near items, you use this and these.
On the other hand, far items use that and those. Remember, it is regarded as impolite to use demonstrative pronouns to refer to a person if not making introductions. Here is an example, “John, this is Mary, my colleague.” In usage, demonstrative pronouns substitute noun phrases with the same word used as a determiner. Here is an example, “I would like to put away these issues before we move on.”, “I would like to put these away before we move on.”
Reflexive Pronoun Checker
Reflexive pronouns work similarly to intensive pronouns. However, the difference is that intensive pronouns do not have an essential part in the meaning of the sentence, but reflexive pronouns do. You can use them when your object and subject refer to the same thing. The pronouns have a suffix –selves or self and include itself, myself, themselves, and himself, among others. Here is an example, “I told myself to work on my goals right away.” Most people have a problem differentiating intensive and reflexive pronouns. However, with our intensive and reflexive pronoun identifier, you can never confuse the two. On the same line, it has reflexive pronouns checker to make specific corrections to these pronoun mistakes. Are you wondering how to fix reflexive pronoun use? Our tool is easy to use and very accurate.
Interrogative Pronoun Review Online
As the name suggests, interrogative pronouns ask questions. They represent the thing that we do not know and for which we ask questions. The four main pronouns include which, what, whom, and who. In addition to this, whose, a possessive pronoun, can also be used as an interrogative pronoun. In this case, it becomes an interrogative possessive pronoun. Just like in relative nouns, who, is only used when the pronoun becomes the object of the verb. For example, “Whom did she tell?”
You may sometimes use the suffix –ever on some of the interrogative pronouns for emphasis or show surprise. Common compound nouns include whichever, whatever, and whoever. Here is an example, “Whatever did he do to warrant the curse?” Our pronoun antecedent agreement checker is also able to fix interrogative pronoun errors. It also has other pronoun checker tools like the reflexive pronoun changer.