A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. Here is an example “James presented James’ report two days ago.” Generally, we do not talk like that. Instead, we replace the second James with a pronoun. Therefore, the right sentence would be, “James presented his report two days ago.” In this case, ‘his’ refers to James. Thus, James is the antecedent.
An antecedent is a word, which is represented by the pronoun. It comes from the word ‘ante,’ which means before. An antecedent must agree with the pronoun. If you are using a singular noun, go for a singular antecedent. On the other hand, if using plural nouns, replace them with plural pronouns. Besides, the gender of the antecedent must also agree with the pronoun that you pick. Using the above example, James presented his report two days ago. James is a singular noun and a male. Therefore, the pronoun must also be male and singular. A pronoun antecedent agreement checker can help find and fix these errors.
Common Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Errors
If you are wondering, “How do I fix my pronoun antecedent agreement errors?” Read the section below to know some of the errors that you are likely to make.
You may select the pronoun based on the phrase between the subject and the verb. Here is an example, “The can of nuts sits on their shelf.” The prepositional phrase ‘of nuts’ should not affect the singularity of the can. Therefore, the sentence should read, “The can of nut sits on its shelf.”
You may confuse singular indefinite pronouns with plural ones. For example, “Neither of the dogs wagged their tail when he came home.” Neither is a singular pronoun antecedent and should be followed by a singular referent. Here is the correct sentence. “Neither of the dogs wagged its tail when he came home” In the same line, if talking of different types of things in one sentence, neither can take a plural referent pronoun. In such a case, most people use a singular one, which is a mistake. Here is an example, “Neither the cows nor the goats has been given medication.” It should read, “Neither the cows nor the goats have been given medication.”
Using a plural referent pronoun on uncountable objects. For example, “Some of the jewelry lost their glow. It should read, “Some of the jewelry lost its glow.”
You may use a different gender for the referent pronoun. For example, “Mary went for his bicycle.” Mary is feminine and should be referred to as ‘her.’
Top 7 Tips for Proofreading a Paragraph for Correct Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
How do I fix agreement problems with pronoun? If you are stuck and asking this question, these tips will help you polish your content.

- Proofread your work after completion
Proofreading a paragraph for correct pronoun-antecedent agreement is one of the easiest ways to ensure that you got your grammar right. Whenever you are working on a paper, complete it in good time so that you are able to go through it and correct all errors.
- Consider using a pronoun antecedent identifier
A pronoun-antecedent fix tool provides an easy but accurate lack of agreement between pronoun and antecedent fix. It is easy to use and does not require technical tools. We also recommend the tool to anyone who does not have a good command of English.
- Check the gender of subject and the object
Be careful when you use ‘he, she, it’ so that you capture the right gender. For example, “He saw a man at the gate.” The sentence could also read, “John saw him at the gate.” In the same line, plural personal pronouns should have plural referent pronouns. For example, “We went to pick our bags at the shop.”
- When using or or nor, choose a referent pronoun that agrees with the antecedent closest to the verb
Here is an example for this point. Either John or James will bring his car. James and John are antecedents, and both are singular. Therefore, the pronoun his becomes the singular referent. An example of a plural antecedent, ”Neither the ladies nor the gentlemen had their lunch on time.” ‘Their’ in this case, refers to both plural antecedents.
- Always use plural pronoun referents for indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns include few, both, many, others, and several, among others. Here is an example, “A few of the students had not completed their assignments.” However, remember some indefinite pronouns can also be singular or plural depending on how they are used in a sentence. They include none, any, all, and most.
- Subjects joined by ‘and’ take a plural referent pronoun
Here is an example, “Mary and John made their offer in the morning.” However, when incorporating or/ nor in your work, the pronoun takes after the antecedent that is closest to the verb. For example, “Neither the dancers nor the musician did his or her job.” It can also be written as “Neither the musician nor the actors did their job.”
- Collective nouns may either take a singular or plural referent depending on the sentence
Here is an example, “The jury will give its verdict today.” Other collective nouns include team, crowd, staff, and group, among others. However, titles of single entities use singular referents. This may be organizations, countries, organized groups, or even books. For example, “The United States gained its independence in 1776.
Find the Pronoun and Antecedent App Helps to Fix Pronoun Errors
Our pronoun antecedent identifier helps to fix pronoun antecedent agreement errors with a few clicks. It is an online tool. Therefore, you can use it on any device that has a browser and is connected to the internet. Our free pronoun checker has several features, as shown below.
Antecedent-pronoun error fixer
Our tool has an inconsistent pronoun and antecedent finder that detects and recommends fixes to these errors. It is very accurate and does not miss any details.
Grammar fixing tool
Students asking, “Is there any other way to use the tool after I check my sentence for pronoun errors?” Yes, there is. You can also use the tool to check other issues such as subject-verb errors and other grammar mistakes. Therefore, it enables you to fix all the common errors to ensure that you deliver a concise paper.
Detailed error explanation
Our pronoun antecedent check tool provides some explanation on how a correct sentence should be written. This is specifically vital to people where English is not the first language as it helps them improve their understanding of the language. Therefore, the next time you check a sentence for pronoun errors, you will be learning too.
How to Use Pronoun Sentence Corrector
How do you check a pronoun agreement with our tool? Here is a quick guideline on how to use it:

- Visit our site to open the pronoun antecedent identifier.
- Open your content in a word processor and copy it.
- Paste your content on the pronoun finder editor
- Allow the pronoun identifier to find errors and suggest corrections.
- Go through the work editing errors as per the suggestions.
- Copy the corrected work and paste it into your word processor
- Save the work